Thursday, October 31, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Psychology - Essay Example These children should be in school instead of working in a brothel and being abused by men and even women who are old enough to be their parents or grandparents. The deeply rooted and widespread sex tourism industry in Thailand is primarily to blame for the trafficking of women and children for the purpose of prostitution (2005 US Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report). The boom in the sex tourism industry creates a huge demand for sex workers, which encourages traffickers and even parents to allow their children to take part in the industry. In most cases, the parents are given substantial amount of money as advance payments for the â€Å"labor† of their children in the brothel. The advance payments are then considered as debts which must be paid within a period of time. Since Asian children, particularly those from Thailand believe in honoring the debts of their parents, these young children are forced to work as sex workers to pay off the debts of their parents. (US Department of State Human Rights Report (2005). Throughout the duration of their bondage in the brothel, these young women and children are made to serve as sex slaves and are made to take on as many as nine customers in a day (US Department of State Human Rights Report (2005). Almost all of these women and children who work as sex slaves use drugs to keep them going through the night. For them, they simply do not have any choice but to use drugs to keep their energy up and serve more customers. Young children who are forced to work as sex workers are especially at risk of serious injuries and even death due to the abuse. The use of drugs and continued sexual abuse is inhuman to say the least. Although a lot of people are aware that prostitution in rampant in many Asian countries especially in Thailand, most of these people turn a deaf ear. Why? First of all, these people are not really aware of the extent of the hardships that these women and children

Monday, October 28, 2019

Internet Activities 9.1 and 10.2 Essay Example for Free

Internet Activities 9.1 and 10.2 Essay 1. What are the key benefits of implementing a supply chain solution such as SAP? The key benefits that any company would achieve from using systems typically like the SAP supply chain solutions include the following: †¢ A quicker response for changes occurring in the market †¢ Having higher margins than the competitors by saving on operational costs †¢ Transparency of information in the business which would lead to a smaller cash recover cycle †¢ Increased synchronization in the business and its operation. The business will be able to set it priorities in an organized fashion †¢ The ultimate result of using such systems would be an increase in the satisfaction of the customers as the system can provide for customization. †¢ The company will also be able to track and monitor the compliance of the company with the regulations in the markets it is operating in. In short the business is able to synchronize the supply of the company with the demand in the market, be more responsive to the changes in the market pertaining to price and supply/ demand fluctuations as well as have a reliable and efficient network which can monitor the supply chain 2. What are the likely challenges in implementing a supply chain solution? The biggest challenge faced by the company in implementing a supply chain solution is to integrate it with the existing business processes at the company. All business tend to be somewhat different in their operation and the business language, but when using a software solution for the supply chain, then the business processes relating to the supply chain activities have to be exactly the same as required by the software. Otherwise the business would have discrepancies existing between the supply chain activities and the supply chain reporting and records stored by the software. In this case the efficiency of the system and the process is sacrificed. Exercise 10. 2: 1. In what ways does Volkswagen’s website illustrate the characteristics of integrated marketing communications? The characteristics of an integrated marketing communication are that it is coherent, consistent, has continuity and is complementary. The website for Volkswagen shows that the different methods of communication like, getting a quote online, emailing the company, registering for a certified car, finding the nearest show room etc, all is integrated on the website and communicated to the customer. Similarly all the messages on the website about the uniqueness of the cars are not contradictory and therefore supporting consistency in communications. The WebPages are continues in their format and play on the same message again and again which is â€Å"when you are in a Volkswagen, it is in you†. The color scheming, the format of the WebPages and the messages and content displayed on the site supports each other and is complementary in nature 2. How does Volkswagen go beyond its own communications to create its unique identity? Volkswagen has been able to differentiate itself from its competitors by handing the design board over to the customer. Using the website the customers can design their own personalized VW and Beetle cars. This provides for extensive customization to the products. The company also invested in a transparent manufacturing plant in Dresden to show the customers how their automobiles are made. The company has also advanced in the RD function by inviting customers to come to the factory and design the car they want. This interactive and two way communication through the website as well as on location has enabled the country to establish its unique spirit while going beyond the scopes of an automobile manufacturer. References 1. SAP Supply Chain Benefits, available at:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare Essay -- Julius Ca

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the story revolves around the various individuals who would vie for control of the Roman Empire. All of these individuals exhibit various attributes, values, and techniques in order to facilitate this goal, from Cassius’ intelligence, Brutus’ charm and honor, to Antony’s gift to drive a crowd. And although all three desire to become the new strongman leader of Rome, it is Antony who succeeds gaining the most control through his own specific talents, most specifically noted at Caesar’s funeral. At the funeral scene, Antony exhibits several qualities beneficial to a Roman leader, such as oratory and appeasement skills. The dialogue depicted in Act III, scene ii provides a valuable and insightful perspective on how these values were desirable for leadership in the late Roman Republic. One of these important virtues necessary for rule is the ability to move a large crowd with impressive orating skills. This ability is seen particularly by Brutus in his first speech, as he manages to move the Roman crowd from fear at the assassination to disdain of the now late Julius Caesar. As Brutus spoke to the masses, he made sure to cleverly weigh his loyalty to Caesar to his loyalty to Rome, as he claims, â€Å"not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more† (III, ii, 23-24). He even more cleverly sets the crowd with himself and against Caesar as he dares those loyal to Rome to challenge his judgement: â€Å"Who is here so vile that will not love his country? If any, speak, for him have I offended. I pause for a reply† (III, ii, 33-36). Thus, while playing on the crowd’s loyalties and using his love for Rome and... ...and whipping them into a fury. This ability to appease, employed by Octavius later in history to much success, also characterizes the typical Roman strongman as the primary example of an exceptional leader. The capability of moving the public with strong words and to gratify their desires are indeed qualities advantageous to being a leader in ancient Rome. As Antony displays, these abilities can set an individual apart from his counterparts and place the upper hand in favor of the person with most control of the general public. Thus, his control of the crowds lends him the power he needs to turn the tables against Brutus and the conspirators, and he succeeds in gaining control of Roman leadership with his beneficial set of talents, abilities, and virtues. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. New York: Folger Shakespeare Library, 1992

Thursday, October 24, 2019

education and philosophies :: essays research papers

In light of this course, I would say that my philosophy of education has changed. My first paper, in retrospect, reads almost like a fantasy of what teaching should be like. I think in this aspect I have matured enough to realize that everything in this profession is not "Disney" material. There are going to be students who do not follow directions, and worse who don't care about succeeding at all. I would feel responsible for these children if I thought that there was a chance to help them. Unfortunately, there are some children that will never buy into schooling and education in general. I do, however, still believe that I can positively impact that type of child in the area of life, or even "street knowledge." I am not saying that I will be able to relate to all walks of life in the classroom. That would be an overstatement. I do believe that I possess the common sense and approachability to be a "stop" on a child's problem solving route. My first paper focused more on personal feelings and avoid ed issues that were raised in this class. After taking part in discussions, I began to focus more on the system and the political atmosphere of education, ranging from diversity in the classroom to violence in schools in general. I think that due to the Federal Government being in control of school funds, some carpet decisions favor some schools while other schools are left hurting. I believe that these decisions should be put in the hands of the parents and school board, for parents should be allowed to pick and choose what their children are learning. I know that when my child attends school I will thoroughly investigate the curriculum and take any means necessary to avoid liberal nonsense in the classroom. education and philosophies :: essays research papers In light of this course, I would say that my philosophy of education has changed. My first paper, in retrospect, reads almost like a fantasy of what teaching should be like. I think in this aspect I have matured enough to realize that everything in this profession is not "Disney" material. There are going to be students who do not follow directions, and worse who don't care about succeeding at all. I would feel responsible for these children if I thought that there was a chance to help them. Unfortunately, there are some children that will never buy into schooling and education in general. I do, however, still believe that I can positively impact that type of child in the area of life, or even "street knowledge." I am not saying that I will be able to relate to all walks of life in the classroom. That would be an overstatement. I do believe that I possess the common sense and approachability to be a "stop" on a child's problem solving route. My first paper focused more on personal feelings and avoid ed issues that were raised in this class. After taking part in discussions, I began to focus more on the system and the political atmosphere of education, ranging from diversity in the classroom to violence in schools in general. I think that due to the Federal Government being in control of school funds, some carpet decisions favor some schools while other schools are left hurting. I believe that these decisions should be put in the hands of the parents and school board, for parents should be allowed to pick and choose what their children are learning. I know that when my child attends school I will thoroughly investigate the curriculum and take any means necessary to avoid liberal nonsense in the classroom.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Influence of celebrities X parents Essay

Invasion of the celebrities in homes around the word have an impact in children life. Celebrities are everywhere. Media like television shows, Internet, and magazines make the presence of celebrities constant in daily live, and this presence result an influence under younger. Sometimes this impact agrees with parents’ values but sometimes diverges. While parents work hard to give a good education for their children, the widely spread of some celebrity behavior make a mess in younger minds. As well as parents, personalities have a meaningful presence in young lives. Appearing al the time celebrities concur with parents for children attention. Occasionally, teenagers prefer to be in front of television watching their favorite shows than spend time with family. In some cases, celebrities can have a positive influence under children. Teens might admire a disciplined athlete, a philanthropic actor and also they might be impressed by parents ethical conducts. It is known that misbehavior of celebrities is widely divulged, and adolescents that are exposed to these behaviors might change their comportment. Young usually follow the celebrities tends like hairstyles, clothing, and even ideal. Opinions and values may change and sometimes can go against the father and mother principles. Family usually teaches their successors what is right and wrong. However, celebrities behavior like the singer Justin Bieber, that get involved in a minor scuffle with paparazzo, may give to children an impression that it is normal, and also they may think that these conducts are acceptable by society. The disclosure of celebrity lives may make children mind sometimes resulting in a divergent values of their parents, in other perspective agree with parents education. The incessant presence of personalities involves the younger mind and leads boys and girls to change their behavior. Comportment example tends copied from children. The comportment can come from TV stars and parents. Depending the type of example, younger shift their thoughts to better, but maybe it can prompt in a behavior in opposite to their parents. Notably, as well parent celebrities easily influence children. For this  reason, parents cannot underestimate their power, and they have to assume the control of their children.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The History of Color Television

The History of Color Television The earliest mention of color television was in a 1904 German patent for  a color television system. In 1925, Russian inventor Vladimir K.  Zworykin  also filed a patent disclosure for an all-electronic color television system. While both of these designs were not successful, they were the first documented proposals for color television. Sometime between 1946 and 1950, the research staff of RCA Laboratories invented  the worlds first electronic,  color television system.  A successful color television system based on a system designed by RCA began commercial broadcasting on December 17, 1953. RCA vs. CBS But before RCA, CBS researchers led by Peter Goldmark invented a mechanical color television system based on the 1928 designs of  John Logie Baird. The FCC authorized CBSs color television technology as the national standard in October of 1950.  However, the system at the time was bulky, picture quality was terrible, and the technology was not compatible with earlier black-and-white sets. CBS  began  color broadcasting on five east coast stations in June of 1951. However, RCA responded by suing to stop the public broadcasting of CBS-based systems. Making matters worse was that there were already 10.5 million black-and-white televisions (half RCA sets) that had been sold to the public and very few color sets. Color television production was also halted during the Korean War. With the many challenges, the CBS system failed. Those factors provided RCA with the time to design a better color television, which they based on Alfred Schroeders 1947 patent application for a technology called shadow mask CRT. Their system passed FCC approval in late 1953 and sales of RCA color televisions began in 1954. A Brief Timeline of Color Television Early color telecasts could be preserved only on the black-and-white  kinescope  process introduced in 1947.In 1956, NBC began using color film to time-delay and preserve some of its live color telecasts.  A company named Ampex  made a color videotape recorder in 1958 and  NBC used it to tape  An Evening With Fred Astaire,  the oldest surviving network color videotape.In 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower visited the NBC station in Washington, D.C. and gave a speech discussing the new technologys merits. His speech was recorded in color, and a copy of this videotape was given to the Library of Congress.NBC  made the first coast-to-coast color broadcast when it telecast the  Tournament of Roses Parade  on January 1, 1954.The  premiere of Walt Disneys Wonderful World of Color in  September  1961 created a turning point that persuaded consumers to go out and purchase color televisions.  Television broadcasting  stations and networks in most parts of the w orld upgraded from black-and-white TVs to color transmission in the 1960s and 1970s. By 1979, even the last of these had converted to color, and by the early 1980s, black-and-white sets were mostly small portable sets  or those used as video monitor screens in lower-cost consumer equipment. By the late 1980s, even these areas switched to color sets.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Economies of scale Essays

Economies of scale Essays Economies of scale Essay Economies of scale Essay As can be seen from the information above Granada has been losing money recently, with a negative net profit (i 132), this means that it has no profit margin, and a negative return on capital employed (-7. 3%). More detailed information on Granada and current trading and prospects can be found in the appendix. Both of these two companies have made large losses recently, but Carlton has suffered from the larger losses, Carltons net loss was i 156 million compared to a loss of i 132 million for Granada. Carlton also has a much lower return on capital employed, although they both have a negative ROCE, Carltons is far lower than Granadas. Both of these companies have been losing money, and this gives them an incentive to merge, and to attempt to cut their losses by benefiting from economies of scale. Economies of scale Economies of scale are the reasons why the average cost of production may fall with an increasing level of output. I believe that if Carlton and Granada merge they will create one larger company which will benefit more from certain economies of scale. Carlton and Granada believe that though economies of scale they should be able to save i 35 million per annum. * In the appendix, there is an article titled Advertisers warn on ITV merger, in this it is stated by the head of broadcast at Media Planning Group that the merger will provide economies of scale, this is independent, unbiased evidence that the merger will provide economies of scale. The most important economies of scale in my opinion are: Financial economies of scale allow larger businesses to obtain money for expansion easier and cheaper. If Carlton and Granada merged they would create one much larger business. This larger business would thus benefit from financial economies of scale, the merged company would find it much easier to borrow or obtain money for new ventures of expansion plans. Managerial economies of scale occur when a business grows large enough to appoint specialists to its management team. Both of these companies are already large enough to benefit from this economy of scale, however they would benefit from it much more if they were to merge. The merged business would be much more efficiently managed and would therefore save money. This is one of the most important economies of scale because it will mean that the merged group would have one combined and specialised managerial team. Marketing economies of scale occur when the costs of marketing can be spread over a larger output. Both of these businesses produce television and cinema content. If they were to merge their output would be bigger, therefore they would benefit more from this economy of scale, it would be easier to produce new products, advertising rates would be lower, and bulk distribution would bring down the costs of delivery. This is another very important economy of scale for these two companies because they both have large outputs, and if they were to merge it would cut many costs and would help them to produce new television content cheaper and more effectively. The larger business that Carlton and Granada would create by merging would benefit from research and development economies of scale. It would be much easier to create new television programmes, and if any of their ventures should fail, then the larger business would be more able to cope with the loss because it will have other projects that will succeed, the risks have been spread. An example of this is Carlton and Granadas recently failed joint venture ITV digital. This venture was a failure which cost both of these businesses a lot of money. If they were one company, while dealing with this crisis they would have found it easier to cope with because jointly they would have more other successful projects running. Diseconomies of scale Diseconomies of scale are the opposite of economies of scale. Sometimes an increased output will not result in lower costs of production per unit but higher costs. Diseconomies usually occur when a business has become so big that it is no longer well managed. Diseconomies usually occur because of a breakdown of communication. In a large business it is often hard for the workers to find out who they should talk to about any problems they may encounter. This will often result in disputes between management and employees and the employees may feel less motivated to work hard. I do not believe that if Carlton and Granada were to merge they would suffer from any of these diseconomies of scale. This is because if anything the workers will become closer to the management as a result of this merger because the merged group should be more efficiently managed1**by better channels of communications between the two previous companies and decentralization which will bring decisions closer to the people that they affect. Stakeholders outside the businesses The main stakeholder group outside the two firms are the television viewers. Viewers should benefit from better television programmes. According to the article titled QA: ITV merger found in the appendix: The merger is intended to free up more money to plough into the schedules because better programmes bring in more viewers, which brings in more money from advertisers. A press release published by the boards of Carlton and Granada says that: Viewers will benefit from enhanced programming investment designed further to improve quality and choice. 1* Opinion is unanimous on the fact that the merger should bring better programmes for viewers, which provides a positive externality, and a good reason for the merger to go ahead.